I put a Johnny Glocks Vex shoe and trigger bar on my EDC 43x about a year ago and love everything about it. Well over 2000 rounds and gets better with every few hundred! Since it is my carry gun, I only opted for the shoe and bar just because I never like to fiddle with springs or anything else on a defense weapon. My range training gun is a Glock 45 and I just put the Johnny Glocks Vex shoe, trigger bar, standard connector, and whatever striker spring and plunger spring he included in the bag. Feels amazing, very little to no take up, short positive reset, clean break. Does not feel like a gen 3 break but it is definitely less of a rolling break then standard gen 5 triggers. Its a rolling break in a good way. Hard to explain just get one! If you have one in your cart , hit order now and you will be extremely happy with the results. Johnny Glock is the man. 🤙