Glock Accessories Drop-In Triggers 2018 EDUCATIONAL ONLY


Hey guys, what's happening? Johnny Glock, you know, it's been so long I forgot where the dang record button was on my camera here. 

So as you know, I hit a bump in the road with YouTube videos and that's kind of, you know, one of the reasons why I haven't been posting a bunch of stuff. At this point now they're all downloaded and they're all safe and everything like that. So I can go ahead and proceed with what I do. 

Number two I have just been absolutely swamped. It's interesting. It's just like overnight, you know, over a couple, two months period, it's just gone crazy, which is cool. And it's a welcome change and I love it because it's a really helping me up and up and up and up my game. With that I’ve had to hire a couple of guys to do all the stuff that keeps my hands away from the bench. And with that happening and me training, and finally it's gotten to the point where I can take a breath and you know, put something out for you guys. You know, this is not going to be a tutorial or anything like that. Those will be coming up. In fact, I need help, you know. I have 88 videos. A lot of them show all kinds of interesting stuff on things you can do. I know you know, everyone says, hey, compare this, compare that and compare this and compare that. I'm not really, I don't really want to try to do that kind of stuff, but if you have an idea of what you'd like to see, maybe like pre-travel reduction or over-travel reduction or how to tune this or how to tune that you know, basically that's what I'm trying to show. I'm not trying to say here's the ghost connector and here's this connector and double diamond and all that. That's not my game. There's plenty of people out there that do it and do it well. 

So, you know, what I like to do is exactly what you see me do. You know and that is teach and instruct on some things on how to keep it safe. Safety's a huge part of it and a lot of do it yourself sort of stuff and keeping safe at the same time with all the Poly 80’s and the Lone Wolf frames and Nomad, like all this other stuff, it's not going to stop. So everyone, the more education we have, the better. So I guess I should just stick to the word educational on this format. 

But anyway, what I want to talk about today is you know, I ran my business for closer to 10 years with no website. You had to call me to get anything. Because I just wasn't web savvy. I didn't feel like messing with it. And I kind of liked vetting and I kind of liked talking to people and getting to understand. 


And after that, you know, close to a decade of information, I have been able to, you know, use my personal preferences and what I find to be, you know, more or less what people are looking for, which is 1911. Everyone wants that 1911 feeling in a Glock and you know, all of that guys that, you know, buy their striker fire guns and then get into like the whole 3.5 connector market and haven't shot good bolt guns or haven't shot 1811's, you know and it's nothing against the you know, these guys, but they kind of tend toward that rolling break because that's kind of what that 3.5 connector introduces. And if you've never shot a good you know, rifle, or if you've never shot a good 1911 and you're going to just go, well, this is really light. And it feels great cause it's light, and it's not the stock Glock, but that's, you know, not, there are other things out there that you know, resemble more. Like I said, like the 1911 ish. You know, what I'm trying to do here is I'm trying to turn this striker fired gun into more, a more efficient system. You know, of course there's going to be a difference in between a combat model and a competition model. That's what we're going to go through today. I don't really do the break feel things like I used to do unless they're specially requested. 


My thing is efficiency and you know, for any discipline, you know, you need in my opinion, to know where you are at. Nothing should be a surprise. You should have that wall. It should be a snap break right after the wall. It should be a dead stop and you should be right back on that shot with a quick reset. So the competition and the combat models have the same exact reset. They're all fast. They're completely aggressive. They get you back on your shot ASAP as fast as I can possibly get them running. The main difference between the two of them,  the combat has a little room up front just for insurance, you know, to make sure that you don't do something you don't want to do. And the wall is much stouter you need a nice stout wall in those defensive guns because you need the feedback, you need to have something there to measure, when you're shooting as far as predictability is concerned, it has to be ultimately predictable, ultimately reliable, safe, all those aspects of you know, and the same thing with the competition guns, you know, that gun should go bang every single time. 

So with that said, I am going to drop the camera down. Going to do my style of editing here and bring the camera down and I have two G19s that I'm going to use to, to really let me get this thing set up a little bit better. 

All right. I think we're good there. Oh, I call it floats a little bit. Is this, there's a ghost in the house or something like that. Just one more little tweak. I figure if you know, you can handle the fast edits, you can handle a little bit of this. Okay, perfect. Perfect. Okay. Oh, there we go again. Okay. 

So anyway this one is the competition model and this one is the combat model. You're going to get the same exact parts in both of them as far as the aftermarket safety plunger, the reduced safety plunger spring. And the wrench is concerned to take out pre-travel or give more pre-travel or mess around with the over-travel and reset. 


However, when you do get them, they're designed in a certain way that you do not have to touch them. You know, they should, unless the gun is not firing and we'll go over that, they should be just completely left alone. And that's how they're designed. I designed them that way. That's why one's called the combat and one is called the competition because they are application specific. And the only difference will be with the Gen 5's. You know, when you get the Striker, I mean when you get the, it won't be an aftermarket safety plunger because they're not out yet. It will be the stock that's been a little bit modified and it will have two wrenches to adjust because it's a different screw in the pre-travel. So the main thing will be a competition gun is going to be much lighter, not much lighter, but lighter than a combat gun. Or some people run them the same, but the reality is you want it to be a little heavier. I do build them so you can run these competition, these combat models in the three-pound range because the... let me turn this phone down for God's sake. Because the combat model is, sorry, God almighty, I should have just left it and you know what I'm leaving it.  So because the combat model is designed in a way where you have a nice stout wall and you're not, until you're ready to commit to that shot, it's not really going anywhere. 


So, you know, and all these are like, these are small batches. So here's all the connectors that I use. I only do 50 at a time, so I can tune them up. All the springs now, this is different. They're all polished. Since I have the help, they could sit there on the wheel and go through four-wheel process to keep them nice and polished because you know, when they are in the safety plunger, I mean when they are in the striker channel, there is some compression and it does help. I can honestly say that I really don't do anything that I will have to do. So you know, when the bars come stock from Glock, I say start here, they end up, you know, all the housings on stuff. I have all these, you know, sort of those bins on the wall that I pull from as I'm building. So they are custom builds. I don't have a bunch of these pre-made on the wall or anything like that. I build them as you guys order them. 

So let's go with the combat first. So this is designed exactly as the way the website talks about. And we do have an empty gun here, showed that. It has a little bit of pre-travel in the front. That is the pre-travel that you have right there. And as you can see, I'm butting against a very stout wall right there. So I'm not going to pull through it unless I intend to. And basically after the shot breaks and you can see, you know, I just draw those lines and stuff like that right there. So you can see. After that is taken up from here to there is the break. It was very short, it's very succinct, it's very predictable and you can see the trigger guard does not go back all the way to the guard like a stock Glock would. And when I reset the gun, as you can see it is super short. Break reset break. Now you've all seen this before and all these videos, but you know, I'm doing kind of an updated one because these are two models. Like I said, you got the combat model, you got the competition model. 


So once again, just run you through it. There's the take up from there. Like I said, it is a snap glass rod break. It will just feel like pressure. It's going to feel like a 1911 because you don't feel travel. You just feel pressure. That's it. That's the design. And then from there, that's how quick the reset is happening and it's very aggressive. This action right here, I don't care who says what, what you say. This is going to rally a good 1911 all day long, especially as aggressive as the resets are even more aggressive than a 1911, so the 2011. You can get... they are happening so quickly and aggressively that, you know they're about 2.5 pounds. And let's see what this one is pulling. So with the four-and-a-half-pound spring, this is pulling, I'm trying to get the lighting. This is pulling three pounds. There you go. So that's a little light for a carry trigger. I wouldn't necessarily carry this. That's why when you saw me like sort of going like this, I kind of blew through it cause that's a light carry trigger. I like to keep it around four pounds and that's why you know it comes with the other, it comes with the two springs, the 4.5 and the 5. 

Okay. Now we'll move over to the competition model. So it's the same idea as far as reset, but once again, empty gun. Nothing in the chamber. It's the same idea as the combat. But what's happening here is, and you have to have this on your first shot. You're already on the wall, so there's no real take-up, you're on the wall here, but for this gun to be safe, and I’ll show you here real quick, if I take any more pre-travel out of this gun and I scored a line on there. So I'm right, I'm right where, I’ll take it up here. I'm as maxed out as I can be. Now if I move this, I'm going to show you the little line. You might be able to see it that I drew there. That goes across. It's right there. It’s this line that goes across. That's how much I need to still keep that on there to keep it safe. That little bit of a line. So when I pull the vertical, so when I pull it by the vertical extension and reset the gun, it's not going down. It's not going to go down a little bit further and watch this. It's going to go down. 


So we need to have that in the first shot for this gun to be safe. If a gun does not have that, you probably should open up and take a look at it because I guarantee you're probably more than likely off the shelf. Of course, the trigger safety tab is engaging the frame. That's very important when you're running a gun that tight. Try and see that. Yeah, you can see it right there. It's engaging my pull with two fingers on either side. It's not going anywhere. You know, everyone knows I shave this down, so it has a nice flat feel for you. So you're on the wall here and this first shot you're going to pull through. And then same thing, super short reset. 

Now from this point, it's the same thing as the combat trigger, but just lighter and with less resistance. So same thing. You're going to, Oh, now see, this is good that this is doing this. So there was a little glitch there. And so basically, and you'll have that sometimes when you're installing these triggers, cause I'm trying to get so much out of them. You won't be able to break the shot. The shot is not going to want to go off. You are going to get to this point right here and you're going to be squeezing and squeezing. Sometimes when you let go, it'll go off. It's just because the over travel needs adjusted. So as you can hear this hiccup, it didn't happen there, but it happened that one time. I would advise to keep the, when I test these guns, I always keep the slide lock off. But you need something like this. And what you're going to do is you're going to go in and you're going to push down on the cruciform and I have that in a bunch of different videos, but I can still show you how to do it in this video. 


So this is the 99.9 times I get this. This is the adjustment that needs to be made. So you don't even have to take the entire trigger out. You're just popping the rear pin out and you'll hear me say hike up the back. So now you have the housing out of the back of the gun and that is going to give you the ability to get to that set screw. And I have a tool here to do it with mine, but I'm going to set it down here so you can see how little this has to be turned. 

So once I get the hex wrench in there, I am literally going to turn that much. That was maybe an eighth of a 360. Put it back in. Super, super simple. Put the slide on the bracket a couple times just so you can get it to seat a bit. And then from there you'll see the break is going to become a lot cleaner and the reset might be a little bit longer, but not any noticeable for your finger when the beep goes off. And like I said it's the same, it's the same efficient design. It's predictable. There is a wall there, but you can slice right through it and it's very palpable. It's not like the spongy break that a lot of the other connectors and trigger groups are known for. So if we do a pull test on this one, we can see this one is pulling at two and a half pounds right there and that is with a four-and-a-half-pound spring. What these come with is the Wolf 4 and 4.5 pound springs. I like the 4.5-pound springs because they won’t break any primer out there, a hundred percent primer reliability. 


However, you know, people have been giving me good reviews about the four-pound spring. I mean, I’ve been running Winchester white box and its been breaking it. So you know one of the things you're going to get with the kit is this, and we'll go over in a second, but you know, traditionally that four pound spring can be iffy. If you're married to federal or something like that or soft primers, you're going to crack them every day. But if you know, if you don't want it to be finicky whatsoever, then you're going to use that 4.5 pound spring and you can see you're still sub three, which is an amazing trigger. And you saw how quick the resets on both of these guns were. So this is the combat, this is the competition. These are the design intentions and the applications for either one. 

Now what you get here is you know, it talks about, a little bit about the geometry and you know, how the green spring can cause you know, unreliability with Tula and Wolf and stuff like that. And it talks about, you know, you can call me, please call me with anything. But what's really cool in the back here is a chart. 

So if you want to set it up for self-defense, for a tactical, a range target or competition, it gives you all the little things, the combinations of what springs to use, where it's going to break at and things of that nature. Also with, with this as well, inside where the trigger is you know, the little packaging your trigger comes in, you know, it will have the generation and all that there. And it'll say combat or competition or custom or whatever. And it's going to have all the pre-travel stuff. It's got averages for breaks. It's going to tell you to go to my YouTube channel, which you're watching right now, to there's a bunch of stuff on front frame and slide prep and Striker prep and stuff like that.

So speaking of strikers, you know, I do strikers, here's a handful of them right here that I haven't worked yet, but you know, I’ve since moved on to titanium for the lightened ones. I just like the reliability of those. I have them for the Gen 5's. I have them of course for Gen 3 and [Gen] 4. I have them for the [Glock] 42's. I have them for the [Glock] 43's. The only thing I don't have a Lightened Striker for is anything that has the configuration like a [Glock] 42, 43 and Gen 5. There's no lightened strikers available that I know of on the market or that I want to mess with, that I trust. These are all, a lot of this stuff is, the 42, 43 and Gen 5 or Glock OEM. The other ones are Lone Wolf which I’ve had great, great, great experience with, you know, no issues whatsoever. So that's the Strikers. 


And you know, of course I have the, you know, the connectors for sale two and 42 43. I have the 3.5, I mean 3.5, the 5.5. I have some dots. I really don't put it out there, but if you're dying for like a dot connector, Glock has now taken them off of the LEO only list. So I'm going to bring this back up and get my mug here. Yeah. One thing, you know, you surely, we always laugh because you know, my camera work, it's never going to get better. I have a website, so you never know. It might come someday when you see all the edits and all the cool stuff, have a little you know, Johnny Glock this and have me shooting and some explosions and I’ll probably have some like really cool electronic dance music going on in the background cause you know, that's my gig with my you know, headphones that I always have here. 

But anyway man, I really miss making videos. I do. It got crazy for a while, you know, especially yeah, you guys can see this too after the accident, let me see if I can get a good shot at that. Look at that bad boy. So that's all healed up now, which is good. 100% functional with that. And yeah, I'm back up and running at the capacity that I want to be for what I'm doing. 


Another thing is that, you know, if you want, I don't, you know, like Jonathan from Tactical Toolbox just did a review on my trigger. So you know, if you want an Apex [trigger] Shoe, if you want an Overwatch Precision [trigger], if you want a Suarez agency, whatever that is, you have to send it to me. You pick the custom trigger option and then you call me, and we talk, and we do just like I used to do it and you're always free to call me even if you get the competition or the combat. But for the custom trigger you have to give me a ring and we discuss it all. Why you want it, what the application, just like old times, man. 

So that's that. And then you know, the G-42 and G-43, the pure carries, they are dynamite. You know what I mean? Talk to anyone or you can put your comments here. Those things are just, that knocked them through the park, man. Just bam! Right on a quick return, a quick reset, slamming, quick break and with a stout wall. And then there's the drop bar too, which is, it's kind of like the everyday carry sort of, you know, like model, just so you know, if you're starting just getting into a kind of user friendly, very user friendly, it's just a bar. You just drop it in, you're ready to go. 


So I guess that's all I wanted to address with this video. Just wanted to kind of get, you know, it's like going to the gym, you have to get back at it, get back at it. So I want to get my mug in front of the camera and do some talking. And like I said, please, please leave some ideas for me of what you want to see. You know, on the Glocksmithing edge of, on the Glocksmithing arena of things. And I’ll do my best to get those up. 

So Johnny Glock. The website now. It's beautiful. And I'd like to thank Mel from GunFu who did this whole thing for me. The GunFu crew has been community, has been very, very, very gracious with me and I can't thank Dave and Mel out there for helping me out with that. So I have to give it out to them for helping me with the website. And that's and if you have any questions, mostly everything's on the website. I'm going to start embedding little videos and all that stuff, but I can see I'm getting a little long winded as usual. So I'm going to say adios. And it was great being here again, and I will see you guys sooner than later. Give me some of those ideas later on.